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Related Events in Kaunas

October 13
Beda design forum [registered only]
October 11-13
Unesco Creative Cities [design subnetwork] annual meeting [members only and public online]
October 13

Meeting of members of the international design networks [by invitation only]
October 14

Forum of international design organisations [public]
October 15

Icod platform meeting [by invitation only]
October 15

Icod general assembly [members only] 

Related Events in Kaunas

October 13
Beda design forum [registered only]
October 11-13
Unesco Creative Cities [design subnetwork] annual meeting [members only and public online]
October 13

Meeting of members of the international design networks [by invitation only]
October 14

Forum of international design organisations [public]
October 15

ICoD platform meeting [by invitation only]
October 15

ICoD general assembly [members only] 

October 14th

Žalgiris Arena Amphitheatre,

Karaliaus Mindaugo avenue 50,

Kaunas, Lithuania


Oct 14





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09:00 - 09:30


09:30 - 10:00


10:00 - 13:00

Juozapas Blažiūnas

10:00 - 10:30

Monika Domanska

10:30 - 11:00

Algirdas and Remigijus Gataveckai

11:00 - 11:30

Anssi Kähärä

11:30 - 12:00

Exhibiton 5x5

12:30 - 13:00

Lunch Break

13:00 - 14:15


14:15 - 14:30

Johnathon Strebly

14:30 - 15:00

Ingrid van der Wacht

15:00 - 15:30

Coffee break

16:00 - 16:10

Rama Gheerawo

16:40 - 17:10

Girmantas Nėniškis

12:00 - 12:30

Pete Kercher

15:30 - 16:00

Marija Drėmaitė

16:10 - 16:40

Closure of the event

18:10 - ...

Eduardo J. Teixeira-Alves

17:10 - 17:40

Maksym Holovko

17:40 - 18:10

Organised by


The Speakers



Juozapas Blažiūnas

Design in Soviet Lithuania. From Public Institutions to Living Environment

Restorer, art historian, since 2015 associate professor at the Department of Museology, Faculty of Communication, Vilnius University, since 2016 director of the Lithuanian Literature and Art Archive.



Marija Drėmaitė

Architecture of Optimism: Designing a New Kaunas in 1919-1939

Marija Drėmaitė is a Professor at Vilnius University, Faculty of History. Her research is focused on 20th century architecture, industrial culture and cultural heritage. She curates exhibitions and publishes books on architectural history: Baltic Modernism: Architecture and Housing in Soviet Lithuania (Berlin: DOM Publishers, 2017), Architecture of Optimism: The Kaunas Phenomenon, 1918–1940 (Vilnius: Lapas, 2018) with co-authors, Lithuanian Architects Assess the Soviet Era: The 1992 Oral History Tapes (with John V. Maciuika) (Vilnius: Lapas, 2020), and ARNO's FUNKtionalism: The Life and Works of Architect Arno Funkas (1898–1957), Kaunas, 2022).


Algirdas and Remigijus Gataveckai 

The Identity of the City of Alytus

Creative duo of Lithuanian artists. Artists as autobiographers, social researchers and realistic painters. Both graduated from Vilnius Academy of Arts in 2010 (mural-mosaic). Best ArtVilnius’12 Young Artists (2012).

Algirdas – Doctor of Arts (2016), Remigijus – since 2010 lecturer at Vilnius Academy of Arts, associate professor (2017).


Rama Gheerawo

From Liveable to Loveable: Inclusive Design in the City

Rama Gheerawo is an international and inspirational speaker, author and designer. He is a serial innovator in the fields of Inclusive Design, Design Thinking and Creative Leadership having personally led over 100 projects working internationally with governments, business, academia and the third sector with clients such as Samsung, Toyota, AgeUK and Panasonic. He champions inclusive and empathic approaches for individuals and organizations through his pathfinding work in Creative Leadership, with training delivered globally to thousands of people including over 700 civil servants. Currentl Director at the Helen Hamlyn Centre for Design, Royal College of Art and RCA Reader in Inclusive Design.


Monika Domanska

City Fix – how to design interventions to change public spaces

The co-founder of the Traffic Design Association, changing the aesthetics of Polish cities space by space, bit by bit. Not being a designer, she’s not familiar with any of the Adobe shortcuts and uses a pencil for writing only. Her expertise in the creative field comes from an eclectic education: BA in Sociology, MA in Media and Communication, and a post-grad from the Public Space Research Institute, as well as over 10 years of running the Traffic Design NGO.


Johnathon Strebly

President of the International Council of Design (ICoD).

As a design director, mentor, educator and advocate for creativity, Johnathon provides environments where innovative thinking is encouraged.

Johnathon brings a wealth of creative leadership and systems-thinking experience, having supported numerous organizations in effectively navigating growth, while remaining true to their core values and culture. 

As President of the International Council of Design (ICoD), Johnathon brings decades of experience and involvement in the applied arts, encouraging growth and change in creative industries, challenging and contributing to the contemporary fabric of system and service design needs required today, and tomorrow.


Girmantas Neniškis

Klaipėda visual identity: navigating the legality of public design

Girmantas Neniškis is a sports marketing professional, with 20+ years experience in event and media production, sports and sponsorship marketing development, social impact entrepreneurship. Girmantas recently was the Head of Marketing at “Klaipėda ID” and led the creation of Klaipėda city visual identity, navigating bureaucracy, public involvement, and the creative process – an unprecedented case of participatory design.


Ingrid van der Wacht

Get Set! We are on a mission - design for better cities, design for happiness!

I work as a freelancer from my company Factor-I (2001) as a connector, communicator and conceptor with a focus on co/design for sustainability. 

Since years I work for organisations driven by (Dutch) Design. 

Like for Dutch Design Foundation, the organizer of the Dutch Design Week, I lead the International Public Affairs. On this behalf I am also part of the board of World Design Weeks. On a European level I am board member for BEDA – Bureau of European Design Associations.

I have developed and worked on various European projects. Like ADMIRE developing the Design Management Europe Award. Or PROUD about co-design for innovation and inclusivity. Food Heroes focusing on co-creation of solutions against food loss and waste in the beginning of the food chain.  

It is my belief that the creative power of design - when well embedded and well understood - can help us solve problems the world faces today. To promote this, I often speak at (inter)national congresses about Dutch design for change for the better. I enjoy the work in international juries. As a connector I also facilitate congresses, workshops and events. I received a Master of Arts degree from the University of Tilburg, studied French, marketing & communications. And I learned immensely from my experiences in the world of design, for the design of the world. 


Eduardo J Teixeira-Alves

How design is transforming our city

More than 20 years of experience in the organization of trade shows and international trade promotion, with a professional career in China, USA, Brazil, Sweden, Italy, India, Hong Kong, ASEAN and Turkey. Currently, in charge of the direction of the International Promotion Department of World Design Capital Valencia 2022


Maksym Holovko

Designing the Future of Ukrainian Cities

Maksym Holovko is an architect and co-founder of Urbanyna urban office. For 8 years, he has been working on the creation of various urban projects in Ukraine: urban research, reconstruction projects of urban spaces, urban design and wayfinding systems. He makes cities more understandable and comfortable for users. In order to restore Ukrainian cities as soon as possible, together with a dozen different experts he created a Cities Rebuild Guide.


Anssi Kähärä

The Identity of the City of Helsinki

Anssi Kähärä is the creative director and founding partner of strategic brand design agency Werklig in Helsinki, Finland. He is currently also acting as a chairman of Grafia (Association of Visual Communication Designers in Finland). Anssi’s work has been awarded in Cannes Lions, European Design Awards, ACD*E, The Dieline and Vuoden Huiput (The Best of Finnish Advertising and Design). He has also been judging several design competitions such as D&AD and ADC*E. Anssi is a frequent guest in design schools as well as in design events both in Finland and internationally. 


Pete Kercher

Executive Officer of BEDA, the Bureau of European Designers Associations in 1988-94, Pete Kercher then represented Italy on its Board of Directors until 2002. A founder member of EIDD – Design for All Europe in 1993 (President in 2003-7) and of its national counterpart Design for All Italy in 1994 (President 1997-99), Pete has served as EIDD’s roving Ambassador since 2007. A convinced believer in applying design methods to the strategic challenges generated by today’s complex and continuously changing society, so as to trigger interdisciplinary cross-fertilisation and synergy, he writes articles and manifestos for political, legal and design publications, chairs and addresses conferences, seminars and symposia all over Europe and the rest of the world, provides strategic design consultancy to many international projects, teaches in several schools and universities all over Europe and holds workshops in the application of Design for All and strategic design methods to issues of audience development in the fields of culture, cultural heritage and inclusion.


Human City Grid


The Forum is ended. Thank you for your participation. Don't worry if you couldn't attend, just click on the yellow button and find what you've missed.

The human city grid starts with design. It plays an integral role in making urban living more satisfying. Designing a happy city is the main topic of the international forum of design networks.

Kaunas is assuming its place among the world's most important cities of design. This forum is an unique opportunity to present Kaunas as a city of design on the international stage, giving designers a place to meet and establish ties among design communities from different countries. The forum will be attended by such global design networks as the Unesco Cities of Design Network, International Council of Design (ICoD), BEDA (Bureau of European Design Associations), and EIDD (Design for All Europe).

The forum programme will feature conference, workshop and meetings. Several days before the forum opens, international and local design networks with their enduring traditions will hold their most important annual meetings in kaunas, attended by design policymakers, practitioners from various design fields, and design educators from around the world.

2022 the Forum of International Design Networks is a part of the Kaunas autumn design events organized by Kaunas European Capital of Culture 2022. 







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